Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Double Rainbow

The phone rings.  "Are you out taking pictures of the double rainbow?"  I grab my camera and dash out.  It is pouring rain but to the east...  The lens on my camera won't capture the entire rainbow and I know if I go back to get a different lens, the rainbow might be gone.  I decide to take two shots, capturing each end of the rainbow.  I have to turn my circular polarizer each time.  Another minute and the double rainbow is gone. 
I have combined the two photos in Elements.  You can see there is some distortion.  (No, the top of the rainbow was not pointed!)  But when you only have a few moments, you do the best you can.
To the west?  The source of the light.
Thanks, Lori, for the phone call!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Gorgeous!!
    I didn't see it so am very glad you caught it and preserved the vision so now I CAN see it. Thank You.
