Remnants of a sea wall on the west side of Whidbey Island. A developer thought houses could be built here but the Salish Sea won out. The San Juan Islands are on the horizon.
Flintstone Park in Oak Harbor is a good place for a picnic on a warm autumn day. It has views to the east of the Oak Harbor Marina and the Cascade Mountains. To the south, one can see Mt. Rainier on a particularly clear day.
The International Space Station is a streak in the upper left corner of this four second exposure. The full moon had risen shortly before the space station passed over. The lights of Oak Harbor are at the bottom.
I spotted a swimmer in the Salish Sea this morning, off the west side of Whidbey Island. The water temperature this time of year is about 52 degrees. I know because I spent more hours than I can remember swimming in these same waters as a child. After about 15 minutes you are so numb you can't feel anything anyway.
A petal from a camellia blossom after a recent rain shower. Oak Harbor has had a dry summer. Our year to date rainfall is only eleven inches. I doubt we will come close to our average annual rainfall of around twenty inches.