Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day Hike: Ebey Bluff Loop Trail

I parked at the Prairie Overlook and headed along the Ridge Trail to the Ebey Bluff.
At the bluff, I followed the bluff trail to the west. This is looking back east toward Ft Casey.
Perego's Lake came into view as I continued west along the bluff.
The trail descends to the beach at the west end of the loop. The view is to the east.
This view is west at the base of the trail to the beach.
Looking back to the west as I continued east along the beach part of the trail. Can you spot the switchbacks on the bluff?
Having reached the east end of the loop at Ebey's Landing State Park, I headed back west along the ascending bluff trail.
The complete hike was 5.18 miles. Even on an overcast day when the Olympics, Cascades and Mt. Baker were not visible, it was a refreshing hike.

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